Drop off/Pick up

  • Front Circle Drop-Off Rules (Parents/Guardians/Drivers new to Gibbs, please take note!)

    • The Main Entrance doors are opened at 8:15.  Prior to this time, students who are dropped off require supervision and must be enrolled in the district's KnightCare morning program
    • Sutton Place is one-way, northbound, during the school day. Observe "do not enter" signs
    • Have children seated so that they can open the passenger side of the car and exit to their right with all belongings. (If you must open your trunk to remove school supplies, instruments, etc., or students must get out of the driver's side of the car, park on the street)
    • Pull as far forward along the front entrance as you can. The first car in should pull up to the end, or up to the buses in front of you. All other cars should follow as far forward as possible
    • Never cut in front of stopped traffic in the circle to drop off a child at the front of the circle
    • It is okay to pass stopped school buses in the Circle as long as their flashing lights are off and/or if our Circle volunteers are waving you along
    • We will have adults inside the Main Entrance to assist kindergartners and other students who may need guidance to their classrooms. Kindergarten parents who wish to walk their child to the front door must park on Sutton Place or Hirschfield Place and walk to the front awning from there.  Parents cannot enter the building.  You must say good-bye under the awning.
    • Parents/Guardians/Drivers of older students who want to avoid congestion on Sutton Place should drop off students on Hirschfield Place behind the school, and allow your older children to walk around to the front. It is a short walk of about 100 yards to the front door.
    • We have parent volunteers to assist students out of their cars and onto the sidewalk.  I appreciate their time each morning. Please let them know that you appreciate their volunteerism, too!
    • Put down your cell phone while driving (kids watch and learn from you!) (and they'll be driving before you know it!) and bring your patience. Extra patience may be necessary tomorrow, as well as the during the first rain and the first snow!!

    Dismissal at 3:10 (or 12:35 on one-session days) is at the exterior door to your child's classroom.  Do not park in any faculty parking lot.  Public parking is only available on the streets around the school.

Traffic Pattern